

This video was part of a project to create a piece of music that synced with video. We found this awesome short film by Keith Rivers (see the original here) and decided that it had all of the elements need to create a great silent movie, with very minimal dialogue. We basically chopped up the movie at logical plot points and musical moments to ensure that the video and music would always be in sync.

The music is just as strong without the movie if you'd rather not fool with a projector and all that comes with that.

Commissioned by the Dorman HS Percussion Ensemble, a 2013 WGI Scholastic Concert Open Finalist.


  • Xylo/Crotales
  • Bells
  • Vibes (2)
  • Marimbas (2)
  • Drum Set
  • Accessories (3)
  • Synth (2)
  • Opt. Projector/Screen

What's included

  • Scores and Part PDFs
  • Notation Files (Sibelius/MusicXML)
  • MP3 recordings
  • Narration and Sound FX (if needed)
  • Access to Multiple Classes (when available)
  • Circuit and Regional Exclusivity
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